Cancellation of LinkedIn Premium: An inside look

The modern business world requires us to be as active as possible in our professional networks, and LinkedIn is an indispensable tool in this regard. However, even the best platforms can sometimes become redundant, and their premium versions can become unnecessary. So how do you unsubscribe from LinkedIn Premium? Let’s take a look at this process from a different perspective, avoiding cookie-cutter solutions and approaches.

Why should you consider canceling LinkedIn Premium?

LinkedIn Premium undoubtedly has its advantages. Free access to job information, enhanced recruiting opportunities, and increased visibility of your profile all seem worth the investment. However, sometimes life makes its own adjustments. Maybe you’ve changed jobs and no longer need these tools. Or maybe you’ve found other ways to achieve your professional goals. In any case, the decision to cancel your premium subscription shouldn’t be hasty, but it shouldn’t require too much hesitation either.

First steps to freedom

If you finally decide to cancel LinkedIn Premium, it’s worth knowing that it’s not as complicated as it might seem at first glance. First of all, log in to your LinkedIn profile. Here, in the upper right corner, you will find your profile picture. Click on it to open the settings menu.

Walk through the settings

Once you open the settings menu, go to the Subscriptions section. Here you will see all your current subscriptions, including LinkedIn Premium. Click on “Manage your subscription” to open the details.

Is it really worth clicking that button?

Now you have an important choice to make. Before you click on the “Unsubscribe” button, it’s worth considering your alternatives. LinkedIn often offers discounts or even a free month to keep you as a premium member. Should you take advantage of this offer? Perhaps this extra month will allow you to find new opportunities or complete projects you’ve started.

The last step is confirmation

If you decide to cancel your subscription, click Unsubscribe and follow the on-screen instructions. LinkedIn may ask you for a reason for your decision. Don’t be afraid to be honest – your answer will help the platform become better for other users.

What happens after canceling?

After canceling LinkedIn Premium, your account will automatically revert to the standard state at the end of the current billing period. All premium features will be available until then. But don’t be discouraged – the free version of LinkedIn also has many useful tools to help you develop your career and professional contacts.


Canceling LinkedIn Premium isn’t the end of your professional development, it’s just a change in strategy. Be confident in your decision and don’t be afraid to experiment with other tools and approaches. The world of professional contacts is constantly changing, and your task is to find your unique way in this dynamic environment. Remember that success depends not only on the tools you use, but also on your perseverance and ability to adapt to new conditions.

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